Duttons for Buttons
duttons for buttons & haberdashery & spare-time crafting & workshops too
Duttons for Buttons is a classic York independent shop situated in a beautiful medieval building (dating from 1422) on Coppergate. The shop is one of York's true specialist businesses and has been in the same family for over 100 years. Its shelves are stacked with thousands of buttons of every hue but that's not all! There's everything you could possibly need from sewing essentials to needle crafting treats. Think kits, ribbons, wool, thimbles, lace trims, elastic, cottons, scissors, sewing boxes. Under the eaves of the building's medieval beams, they also host Mrs Duttons Wondrous Workshops, an exciting programme of sociable classes for beginners and seasoned makers.

“Believe it or not, we stock over 10,000 button designs, the largest selection in the United Kingdom. We're also the go-to place for needle crafting supplies and learning. We look forward to seeing you!”