Shambles Tavern
Real ale pub food & beer shop
Sun: 09.00 - 22.00
Off-sales license Mon - Sun: 09.00 - 21.00
Sue and Keith's passion for championing the city's traders and food and drink producers is contagious and they achieve this through their business fittingly located between the Shambles and the market. Using produce from Cross Fishmongers, the greengrocers and Swains Butchers, they have built their menu around what's available within yards of the kitchen.
It doesn't mean that drink gets forgotten about though - their Shambles label Dark, Pale and Cider celebrate the street and the market, and they have three walls stocked with beers from 48 regional microbreweries. If you couldn't possibly sample anymore beer, it's worth browsing their shelves to take a little gift home.

“One of our aims is to take our business outside of its bricks and mortar and into the market, providing a full experience for the customer, and allow them to participate in buying gifts, and enjoying food and drink.”